NeuroDynamic Breathwork Journey

NDB is a technique for self-healing and self-empowerment in which we use deeper focused breathing, sustained for a period of time, while listening to evocative, dynamic music to process emotions, connect to our intuition and creative impulse and improve health and well-being.

In a powerful two-hour Live Breathwork Workshop, you can experience an expanded state of awareness using the breath and dynamic music where your mind chatter subsides.

Breathers report that through a regular Neurodynamic Breathwork™ practice they gain:

∗ more Clarity on Purpose in Life
∗ greater Access to Inner Wisdom and Connection to Intuition
∗ increased Ability to Relax, more Calm and Peace
∗ greater Trust in Themselves
∗ Relief from Anxiety and Grief

The experience includes an Introductory Talk where everybody is given all the information they need to participate in online breathwork safely and have the deepest possible experience

∗ a 60 minute Breathing session

∗ to a carefully composed, powerful Music Mix with all participants breathing simultaneously

∗ a Sharing Session

∗ and an Integration Talk

Attendees will learn: ∗ more Clarity on Purpose in Life ∗ greater Access to Inner Wisdom and Connection to Intuition ∗ increased Ability to Relax, more Calm and Peace ∗ greater Trust in Themselves ∗ Relief from Anxiety and Grief
Provider's Education: Certified NeuroDynamic Breathwork Facilitator with Michael Stone
Provider's Experience: IBM, Walmart E-Commerce, NACTO, Wework, ERA, Avalon, ANDco, KRE, Roseland Residential Mack-Cali Group, Chart Beat, and Libraries all over the country
Event Type:
Building Awareness For:
Heart Health (February)
Black History (February)
Women's History (February)
Financial Literacy (April)
National Volunteer (April)
Brain Tumor Awareness (May)
Mental Health Awareness (May)
National Stroke Awareness (May)
American Asian & Pacific Islanders Heritage Month (May)
Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness (June)
Workplace Safety (June)
LGBTQ/Pride (June)
Sarcoma Awareness (July)
National Yoga (September)
Hispanic Heritage Month (September)
Breast Cancer Awareness (October)
National Arts & Humanities (October)
Indigenous Peoples' Day (October)
National Disability Employment Awareness (October)
Movember - Men's Health (November)
Native American Heritage Day (November)
Other Critera:
Available as Webinar
Recording is OK
Available as In-Person Event
Available Nationwide
Willing to Travel
Offered in Spanish
Offered in other languages
For Call Centers
Especially for Men
Especially for Women
HRA/VEBA eligible
For 3rd Shift
For Retreats
Duration of event (in hour increments): 2
Equipment buyer needs to provide: Participants might want to bring headphones
Equipment provided by vendor: N/A
Post event tools included: Follow up email check in support
Includes pre-event consultation: Yes
Link to a sample video of event or provider: